Friday, July 11, 2014

Hi, Check this out :3

There are so many new and random things coming to Jamaa! Hmm... New animal could be coming. A.... whale? DUN DUN DUN

Monday, June 30, 2014

So Many New Things!

I've been working so hard on Lemon the Cheetah, I almost forget to post! There are some new items in Jam-Mart-Furniture/Clothing.

Friday, June 27, 2014

New Stuff! Awesome a Crystal Palace!

Hi peoples! Here is some news...

Aww the lions are endangered already? D:

They're sooo cute!

I got lost in this den once people, it IS HUGE HUGE HUUUGGGGGEE!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Epic Wonders Glitches

I've found lots of glitches in Epic Wonders - Look


Gazelles are back? Yeesh AJ O,O Coolio.

A gem encrusted necklace in Epic Wonders. Cool I guess.

Yeah that's all I have right now the RIM is a Rare Sky-Blue Fedora but I have no idea where that is being sold not in Epic Wonders of Jam-Mart Clothing I already checked there. Anybody know?

Oh I also did a new glitch. Be an eagle and fly over the blue orb in Epic Wonders. Stay there and switch to a wolf. It should look like this: (Not exactly, but the glitch you know what I mean. Where your wolf ends up I guess.)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The chicks hatched!

Bob, Unicorn, and Feathers have hatched!

Bob is brown, Unicorn is brown, and Feathers is purple. xD

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Here are some random new things in the Jam-Mart.

Duh there are hyenas :3


Thursday, May 29, 2014

How do we read THAT?

This is either a terrible new feature or a possible glitch. Where you see what people have said, the letters are very very tiny, much smaller than usual.

They are usually much bigger than THAT. Yes, take the time to read our weird conversation about getting
our hyenas. -_-

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

EGGS in the seasonal tree!

If you have not noticed, there are three eggs in the nest. I am calling them left to right - Bob, Unicorn, and Feathers. Hope you enjoy Blackberry the Raccoon's school....

Friday, May 23, 2014


This is so extremely weird. bluestorm50 was trying to trade me and look… cross my heart this is real!

Um… anybody know what this means? It was on my trade list……… 

What does this mean…?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

New Awesome things!

THERE IS AN EAGLE ADVENTURE FINALLY!!! And you can buy den portals to go to your buddy's den, AND (xD) SUMMER CARNIVAL IS SOON WHOO!


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I saw fman

I was in Wastach and in Jamaa Township and I cam across fman. It may have been a fake, which I think it was, but I was still careful. I quickly switched my world to Balkan. Here is a screenshot for

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Fman is back WARNING!!!

This is fman I think and I think I know it.
Fman122 is back with a new and better virus! Follow the RBRR code! (Report, Block, Run to the nearest locked den, and Recyle the Jam-A-Gram)
Use some of these tips to stay safe:
NEVER open a Jam-A-Gram from a random Jammer you don't know. He has a billion accounts. O_O (Not literally xD)
If you see anyone that looks like fman, RUN! CHANGE THE WORLD! GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!
NEVER EVER EVER EVER NEVER go to Aldan. Aldan are where many of the sightings have been. 
Here are some users I believe to be him:

   Most of his accounts have been banned or such, and those were the ones living I could find. ONLY if you open the gift you are messed up. It gives you a virus to your computer and slowly shuts down your animal jam account. Stay safe Jammers!!!!

I think this is fman.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Tiny and Big

I was looking at who was on that was my buddy, and henrymoos had teeny tiny letters, bluestorm50 medium letters, and Lydia0800 had HUGE letters. I don't know if this is a glitch or not, but it sure is new!

New Stuff, Pets, Hyena, More

Wow lots of new stuff…

1. Pet cheetahs

2. Zios rug

3. New Animal (Hyena)

4. Doorbell

5. New sit buttons

6. Heatwave party returns! With the water park den!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dirt Bike!

The Dirt Bike is a new item found in Jam-Mart-Furniture. I knew they had to improve that bicycle! ;3

Friday, April 25, 2014

More New Stuff and Scratch!

I haven't been updating too much sadly because I have started computer programing on Scratch! There is new Armor called Phantom Armor. You get it from playing The Search for Greely Hard Mode. Here is the key:

Fuzzy but it works :3

Err there are 'Glass Shelves'

Monday, April 21, 2014


I was in the Art Studio when I found this weird octopus carving.  I just thought I might want to share it with you. The weird thing is the octopus carving is on land. Let's hope the picture is able to show up good...

Eh.... You can just barely see it -_- Imma try again...

Just a bit better. At least you can kinda see it.